
The Master's Program aims to train future researchers, educators, and other professionals who hope to work in a professional field by making use of their high-level knowledge. Students will master their field of study with a broad outlook and flexible thinking to achieve this goal.

In the Master's Program, fields of study include English Studies, Russian Studies, Chinese Studies, Spanish Studies, International Relations, and Japanese and Asian Languages and Cultures. The English Language Education and Research Course, established in 2004, targets incumbent teachers.

In the Master's Program, students will conduct their research independently and creatively, based on the advice of their professors. Master's degrees will be given to those who finish the two-year program and have their Master's theses or research projects accepted. By earning designated credits, students who major in Language Studies or English Language Education and Research will be able to obtain a specialized teacher's certificate for junior high or high school.

Based on the Student Exchange Agreement with the Master's Level Section, Graduate School of Humanities, Kobe University, students are allowed to attend classes at Kobe University as a special auditing student and can obtain a maximum of 10 transfer credits.

Type of Course

Master's Program (Thesis)

Based on the graduate school education philosophy of cultivating "researchers who are at the forefront of the arts and social sciences", this course offers an educational system where students who hope to become scholars or teachers can give consideration to a specific topic and advance their studies.

Master's Program (Coursework+Research Project;Non-Thesis)

Based on the graduate school education philosophy of fostering "human resources with an extended range of international perspectives and superior language proficiency", this course offers an opportunity to students who hope to continue studies in a particular field in order to become competent and flexible professionals.

Program Completion Requirements

A candidate for the Master's degree needs to study at the university for two years or longer, acquire 30 credits or more from the predetermined class subjects, submit a Master's thesis and pass the review and the final test. The review of a specified research assignment may be substituted for the review of a Master's Thesis in the Coursework+Research Project;Non-Thesis Master's program and the English Language Education and Research Course.

Master's Thesis

Students who hope to submit a Master's Thesis need to have studied at the university for one year or more, and have acquired 20 or more credits from the predetermined class subjects. Students majoring in English Language Education and Research need to have studied at the university for one year or longer (2 or 3 years or longer for the long-term course) and have acquired 14 or more credits from the compulsory class subjects, excepting credits in Individual Studies in English Language Education.
The Master's Thesis must be written in a language designated by majors or the supervising professor. The Thesis must be submitted together with its summary written in Japanese in accordance with predetermined volume and copies before the submission deadline.
A thesis screening committee, composed of scholars, including the applicant's supervising professor (plus at least one from outside this university in the case of English Language Education and Research), will give a final oral examination. Students who are accepted by the committee can receive a Master's degree.

Coursework+Research Project;Non-Thesis

Students who hope to submit a Research Project need to have studied at the university for at least one year, and have acquired 20 or more credits from the predetermined class subjects.
The Research Project must take the form of an academic report, presentation, or final examination as decided by supervising professors. A canditate who has his or her completed project approved by the screening committee can receive a Master's degree.

Guideline for Applicants

【Enrollment Capacity】

Department Enrollment Capacity
English Studies 10
Russian Studies 5
Chinese Studies 5
Spanish Studies 5
International Relations 10
Japanese and Asian Languages and Cultures 12
English Language Education and Research* 10
Total 57

【Requirements for Application】

Applicants are required to meet one of the following criteria:
You must:
?Have completed a 16-year schooling or be expected to complete 16 years of schooling in a foreign country prior to the entrance day
?Be recognized by KCUFS to be academically eligible to apply by an individual prequalification and become 22 years old or over prior to the entrance day
?Be a foreign student recognized by KCUFS to be academically eligible to apply

【Duration of Program】 Two years

【Admission Schedule】

Application Period (1)August 28, 2024 - September 3, 2024
(2)December 25, 2024 - January 9, 2025
Admission Examination
(Paper test and Interview)
(1)October 5, 2024
(2)February 16, 2025
Admission Results (1)October 11, 2024
(2)February 21, 2025


Entrance Fee JP¥423,000
*Residents of Kobe or Their Family : JP¥297,000
Tuition Fee JP¥535,800 per year

"Residents of Kobe"
-Those who have been continuously residing in Kobe for one year or more before the day of enrollment.

"Their Family"
-A spouse of a Kobe resident or a relative within the second degree of relationship.

Fees above are subject to change.


Graduate School Section
Kobe City University of Foreign Studies
9-1, Gakuenhigashi-machi, Nishi-ku, Kobe, JAPAN 651-2187
e-mail: grad_kcufs(at)office.kobe-cufs.ac.jp
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?*Please replace (at) with @.