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3月20日(水曜)~3月30日(土曜)の日程で、世界最大規模の模擬国連大会「模擬国連世界大会(National Model United Nations)ニューヨーク大会」へ派遣している教員?学生から、現地レポートが届きましたので、紹介します。                         





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Prior to the National Model United Nations (NMUN) Conference, which will be held from March 24th, the delegation from the Kobe City university of Foreign Studies received a briefing at the UNICEF Headquarters in New York on the 22nd.

On that day of the briefing, after receiving background information from UNICEF partnership officer about the organization's history and mission, the delegation had the opportunity to hear firsthand from a UNICEF Emergency Specialist about various challenges faced on the ground. Providing support in the midst of tense conflicts and natural disasters always carries significant risks and often requires difficult decisions. However, UNICEF staff consistently prioritize saving children's lives and emphasized the importance of maintaining a politically neutral position while carrying out their life-saving duties. Additionally, following the briefing, the delegation had the opportunity to interact with staff from the Operations Centre (OPSCEN)/Office of Emergency Programmes (EMPOPS), which monitors developments around the clock, enhancing situational awareness for informed decision-making in risky situations, facilitates the sharing of critical emergency and security information, and supports crisis communication. It also serves as the initial contact for UNICEF personnel during emergencies or major security incidents, ensuring immediate assistance. During this interaction, the delegates learned about the significant contributions provided by the Japanese government in support of emergency operations, as well as the importance of data and information management for effective humanitarian aid/emergency response. Our delegation not only absorbed a great deal of knowledge about the significance of emergency humanitarian assistance by the UN agencies prior to the MMUN conference but also began to consider career development within UN agencies.

To everyone presented at today's briefing at the UNICEF headquarters, we extend our sincere gratitude for this wonderful learning opportunity.

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(1)派遣期間:2024年年3月20日(水曜)~3月30日(土曜) (会議期間:3月24日(日曜)~3月28日(木曜))
(2)派 遣 先:米国ニューヨーク市(会場:ニューヨークヒルトン ミッドタウン)





【参考】National Model United Nations ウェブサイト(英語)(外部サイト)